Sunday, July 5, 2009

Meet Grover! (the new family member)

Ok, so I have not posted in a while.. a lot going on!

I snuck a new critter into the fish tank and this one is a silly, little, animated, and BLUE monster. So I named him Grover. Here he is being fearsome:

He is a Crayfish / Crawdad / Miniature Lobster. He has the two big pinching claws and 2 pair of teeny tiny claws on his next two sets of legs. He uses these to pick up food and it's kinda funny because I don't think he can see under there. He has two more pair of legs and he is missing a foot on one of them, but he sure is able to climb around just fine!

Grover is also up to some antics. I transferred one of the Lilly plants from the frog tank into the big tank. A few hours later he had dug it up and was riding around on it as it floated at the top of the tank!

According to there are MANY species of blue Crayfish and apparently they can even be white.


Nina said...

Aww... Grover is Adorably cute... in that cantankerous ugly creature sort of way... *grins*

Chris said...

He's def a character! I loved watching him get all stingy with his food. Lol...